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12" x 9" Copperplate print - 2023

Cope is a fun piece as I got to use aquatints on a copperplate for the first time.  I first approached the piece as I had with previous works, exploring emotions, this time of my spiral with alcohol.  I then needed to use aquatint to color the piece, but was unsure in what direction to go with.  I felt that simple coloring of the piece would not work well, and instead explored a different avenue.  With that, I engaged in age regression, a self soothing technique I developed from previous traumas, and used a litho crayon to draw on the surface of the copperplate.  I did this for a red, yellow, and blue layer, each getting different drawings, and they produced an interesting effect together.  This more playful approach led me to consider expanding the art to the boarders, since the piece was printed on kitakata then chine-collé on a heavier paper.  Using age regression again, I was able to expand the image out, making each print in the edition unique.

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